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Modern societies are experiencing unprecedented social and economic changes, including a slowdown in economic growth, rising inequality, and increasing ethnic diversity and geographic mobility.

NEST, the flagship research and policy alliance in the Faculty of Social Science at Western University, addresses these challenges by conducting world-class multidisciplinary research, fostering national and international collaborations, and facilitating the training of the next generation of leaders in academia, the private and non-profit sectors, and government.

NEST is the umbrella organization for all seven Western Research Centres in the Faculty of Social Science which set its agenda and provide its governance.  NEST also aims to train the next generation of policy researchers through mentorships, fellowships, and the new MA in Research for Policy and Evaluation program.

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Coming soon: The Canadian Communities Policy Observatory | July 16 2023
Western’s Network for Economic and Social Trends (NEST) is pleased to announce the Canadian Communities Policy Observatory, a new web-based platform that will make it easier for policy makers, non-profit organizations, academics, journalists, and businesses to access data on Canadian urban centres, neighbourhoods, and regions. Read More

New MA in Research for Policy and Evaluation Will Prepare Students for Careers in Government, Not-for-Profit, and Private Sectors | July 2, 2023
The Network for Economic and Social Trends (NEST) and Faculty of Social Science are pleased to announce that the Interdisciplinary MA in Research for Policy and Evaluation (MRPE) has now received final approval from the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance and is admitting its first cohort of students for September 2023. Read More

City-builder John Fleming joins Western’s Centre for Urban Policy and Local Governance | June 12, 2023
Western’s Centre for Urban Policy and Local Governance is excited to welcome nationally recognized urban planner John M. Fleming as a Distinguished Practitioner Research Fellow. Over the next two years, John will build on his significant professional experience to carry out research on local governance, civic engagement, and policy making in the field of city building and design. He will also collaborate with faculty and mentor students. Read More

Newcomer program preps for post-pandemic realities | May 31, 2023
New federal funding will help a Western-led program continue exploring welcoming environments for newcomers, even as Canada’s attitudes toward new immigrants will surely be tested by the economic and social uncertainty of a post-pandemic world.  Read More

For more News and Announcements on NEST